Monday, December 9, 2013

Life is a simply journey . Enjoy each moment with love and kindness! Radiate your LOVE & KINDNESS to All! Forgive those betrayed ! Release all your resentment ! Feel the LOVE inside you and LOVE to others
Remember everyone will only remember how kind you were to them and all the small things done for them in their life .

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The peace is already within ourselves ...We are keep struggling to find it out..we are keep looking everywhere or in someone..or in something...but you won't find...Because it is already within you..You just need to realise..
The suffering of people is only coz by the time. Just ask yourself, you will either worry about something that will happen soon or something that already happened in the past...Everything we do is in the present ..At this moment
Live the life as it IS...Do not resist the life In fact live the life at it flows..